Sunday, April 22, 2012

Hold On

"Not as I will, but as Youwill." –Jesus Christ,  Matthew 26:39

The above statement was Jesus' final submission to God inthe garden of Gethsemane before He was taken captive by a large crowd of armedmen who ultimately led Him to His death on the cross after He was brutallybeaten, publicly humiliated, and tortured. 

I have a bad habit of selfishly asking God to answer myprayers in the way that I would like them to be answered.  Evenwhen He gives me clear direction, I still do not always remain obedient andfollow His will.  Regardless, I truly believe that the content of ourprayers is less important to Him rather than our willingness to actually obeyHim.

I can't begin to imagine what Jesus must have felt thatnight in Gethsemane.  The fear of knowing that His death was close athand...seeing one of His Twelve disciples betray Him with a kiss and turn Himover to an armed mob.  Despite all of this, He remained faithful and obedient to God'swill...even to the point of death.

We may not ever face a life or death decision, but God wantsus to come to a place where we trust Him fully and obey Him, with every aspectof our lives.

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