Saturday, April 28, 2012

William, It Was Really Nothing

The Lord is my light and my salvation-so why should I be afraid?  The Lord is my fortress, protecting me from dangers, so why should I tremble?  Psalm 27:1

The other night it rained in Knoxville, so I did my best to coax Elliott into watching, E.T., one of my favorite movies of all-time.  I told him about the story of how E.T. was left behind on earth and a little boy that shared Elliott's name found him and brought the alien home to live with him.  It was "all systems go" until Elliott asked to see the DVD packaging.  When he saw E.T.'s glowing finger, he became scared for some strange reason.  (Heck, I can't say anything, I was petrified kid in the 80s during the Super-Bowl when Michael Jackson debuted his classic Thriller video!)

You see, fear turns our focus away from God and towards the troubles that intimidate us.  We must learn to look at our fears and troubles as opportunities to rely on God for His help, guidance, and all-mighty power.

There is no problem that is too big for our loving Father who promises to save and deliver His people!

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