Friday, April 20, 2012

Slip Sliding Away

I myself always strive to have a conscience without offensetoward God and men.  Acts 24:14

Have you ever contemplated just how short our time on thisearth really is?  We should make the most of our time here, but all toooften, we let time slip away from us and we don't follow the path that Godintends us to follow.

To live without regrets, we must choose to live in such away that we do our very best in every task and with every relationship. We must choose to love and obey God's commands; they weren't written torestrict us, but are there for our protection and to unlock His manyblessings. 

We must choose to forgive people who have hurt or harmed usfreely.  And lastly, we must choose to follow God's will and not our own.

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