Monday, April 4, 2011

Touched By The Hand of God

Come and see what our God has done, what awesome miracles He performs for people! (Psalm 66:5)

A co-worker and friend of mine had quite a scare last week when her husband unexpectantly had to be rushed to the ER in the middle of the night with massive chest pains.  Had they not made it to the hospital in the exact timing they did, the outcome would have resulted in certain tradgedy.  The husband was released from the hospital before the weekend and is recovering and back at work again this week, but their medical emergency has completely changed their outlook on life.  Most people, myself included, dread what awaits us in the office after the weekend has ended.  This past week, my co-worker was excited as I had ever seen her about being at work on a Monday morning.

I am a firm believer in God's good works; things we know He has done for us and things we are completely unaware of.  Just ask around or turn on the news and you will learn of terrible things that have happened to people.  This may seem depressing or daunting, but after a closer look, you can begin to see God's hand quietly at work in people's lives every day.  This, of course, includes you and I. 

He is always there and is at work in our lives, even if we don't see it!  Praise God!  

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