Saturday, April 16, 2011

God Give Me Strength

In Your hand it is to make great and to give strength to all.  (1 Chronicles 29:12)

Is there anything in your past such as an emotional scar or bad memories that you still carry around with you like old luggage?   I have many "skeletons in my closet" and the enemy enjoys flooding my thoughts with those bad memories from my past.  You see, I used try to fill the void in my life with other substances and there was no chemical or drug that I could consume that could possibly take Jesus' righteous place in my life. Once I accepted Jesus as my personal Lord and Savior, I completely walked away from the dead end path I used to travel on. 

None of us are free from sin, and many times we have a troubled past that evokes bad memories or painful emotions.  The Lord desires to heal each of us from our past and wants us all to completely rely on Him instead of the crutches that many of us used to depend on. 

His Word makes it crystal clear that He wants to be the ONE source of healing, strength, peace, and comfort.  Once we learn to be dependent on our Lord, we can break the dependence we have on other people or things that will never satisfy our deepest Spiritual needs and desires.  Praise God for His mercy and grace!

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