Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Soul Kitchen


Hey, all who are thirsty, come to the water!  You who have no money, come!  Buy and eat! Come! Buy wine and milk without money and without cost!  Why pay money for something that will not nourish you?  Why spend your hard-earned money on something that will not satisfy?  Isaiah 55:1-2

We have all been there before…you look in the refrigerator or pantry for something to eat and don’t see exactly what you are craving and then declare that “there is nothing to eat in this house.”  Even if we found exactly what we were craving in the kitchen, the satisfaction is only short-lived and such is life; we move on to the next thing that we want or think we need.

We are all created the same in one aspect; to be in a relationship with God.  This yearning and basic human need is often times misunderstood and we continually try to find satisfaction in things of this world such as: substances, money, power, relationships, possessions, or even careers.  The truth is, NONE of these things can substitute our need for Jesus in our lives.

I can say from experience that I have tried to fill that void in my life with just about everything this world has to offer and it’s never enough; in fact, the only way to find contentment in this life is to seek to have a relationship with the One who can satisfy you like nothing or no one else can.

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