Monday, July 25, 2022

Slave to the Traffic Light


These people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me.  They worship me in vain; their teachings are but rules taught by men. -Jesus Matthew 15:8-9

Have you ever attended worship service for a short time on Sunday and then forget what you have learned the second you pull out of the church parking lot? It has certainly happened to me on occasion. 
Sometimes, things that begin with good intentions can become mindless routines and the same holds true with our spiritual growth and development if we are not deliberate with our walk of faith.

We regularly attend worship and serve at our church when we can, but there have been weeks and even months that have passed by that I failed to grow closer in my relationship with God.  A pure heart results in wanting only what God wants, which are things that produce eternal benefit.  Simply stated, God wants us to follow Jesus, grow spiritually, be transformed, and blessed in all ways.

Those with a pure heart desire what God desires more than what they personally want.  Seek Him daily, grow closer to Him, and fall deeper in love with Him!!

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