Wednesday, July 6, 2022



There is none upon earth that I desire besides You.  Psalm 73:25

Regardless of whether you are married, divorced, dating, broken up, in a relationship or not, we all have the need to be loved.  We can really find ourselves in trouble when our needs for intimate love go unmet and we begin to feel isolated, estranged and unfulfilled. Often times, these unmet feelings for love are confused with sexual desire, but they are much deeper than just a physical want or desire.  We are all created with the need to have a love that is unconditional, peaceful, and consistent and only God can provide this never-ending love.

I know what it is like to be trapped in a relationship where you feel like your significant other doesn't know the “real you” or doesn't love you unconditionally for who you "really" are.  It’s a hopeless and lonely place to be, but the good news is that we ARE all loved by the One who knows us inside and out.   In fact, He knows the “real you” and will never stop loving you.

Just like the Spiritual vacuum that we have in our souls that can only be filled by Jesus, the same holds true for love and only God can provide us with the love that we need!

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