Thursday, July 7, 2022

Listen Up!


Come and listen to my counsel.  I’ll share my heart with you and make you wise.  Proverbs 1:23

Just like I grow frustrated when our sons don’t mind or listen to me, I am sure God feels the same way about me when I fail to seek His infinite wisdom and listen to what He is trying to tell me.  God promises us that we will become wise if we listen to Him.

Here are three simple ways to listen to God better:

1.) Read the Bible.  God’s Word is not just a collection of stories, it’s is the living and breathing Word of God and it should become the instruction manual for our lives.

2.) Pray.  Our prayer life should not just be filled with a laundry list of our requests and petitions; they should include being still and quiet and listening for God to talk to us.

3.) Seek godly advice.  A wise man learns from others and the same principle holds true in listening to what other people who have gone before us are willing to share about their lives, mistakes, and heartaches.  

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