Sunday, November 27, 2016

Soul Kitchen

Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy-laden and overburdened, and I will cause you to rest. (I will ease and relieve and refresh your souls.) Matthew 11:28

Every year for as long as I can remember, the weeks leading up to Thanksgiving and Christmas have been crazy busy at work, not to mention trying to squeeze some personal time in to shop for gifts/ presents and attend various holiday parties/functions.  

Jesus gave us all such a wonderful model of what it is like to truly “rest.”  If you read the New Testament, Jesus typically went to spend time in solitude with the Lord after preaching, teaching, or performing miracles…

You see, we can be involved in inward activity as much as we are involved in outward activities.  God wants us to not only enter into His rest for our bodies, but our souls as well.  I am a believer that finding rest for my soul means “unplugging” and finding freedom from mental activities too.  Furthermore, it means submitting to God and not trying to figure out what I should do about every aspect of my life as I simply can’t keep trying to come up with answers I just don’t have.

At the end of each day, experience rest and peace for your soul by going to Christ and allowing Him to relive and refresh you from the inside out!  What an awesome privilege we have!!  

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