Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Little By Little

“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Philippians 4:13

Leaving OTF this early morning, I couldn't help but notice how much time I spend on working out and trying to increase my own limited strength rather than relying on God’s never-ending supply of strength, especially when I am faced with adversity. Don't get me wrong-we are called as believers to take care of our bodies, but we must also remember to take care of our spiritual health as well.

In the midst of a problem, it’s easy to focus on the size of our problem and we tend to forget that God is greater than any problem or situation we could ever possibly face.   You see, when we look at a difficult situation in terms of our own strength, we diminish the fact that God’s abilities and love are unlimited.  He will always provide us everything we need.

We must learn to not focus on the obstacles we face as problems, but view them as opportunities for God to demonstrate His awesome power and grow our faith exponentially.

God often doesn't reveal the whole picture to us, He only shows us His plans little by little, so we must learn to rely on Him daily.  We must follow His lead, guidance, and learn to trust Him with our future.

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