Thursday, November 3, 2016


Freely you have received, freely give.  Matthew 10:8

We all make mistakes from time to time which hurt people inadvertently.  Sometimes nothing is more painstakingly difficult than extending and seeking forgiveness from a loved one, more specifically, a family member.   Forgiveness is the only way to bring genuine healing to a damaged relationship so that both people can move forward together in the relationship.  No wonder the divorce rate is astounding in our country; it’s almost easier to divorce than it is to work through the healing process of forgiveness.

It’s human nature to place the blame on someone else and not seek to repair the relationship, but Jesus gave us all the best example of forgiveness.  As He hung from the cross on the day He was crucified, He spoke the words Father, forgive them for they know not what they do” to the soldiers who had just beaten and flogged Him and were casting lots to divide His garments.  

Forgiveness is the only way to bring restoration and reconciliation back to a broken relationship and we should all extend and ask for forgiveness regardless of who is at fault.

Forgiveness has been given freely to us, so we must be quick to offer it freely to others.

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