Tuesday, November 29, 2016


Jesus told him, "Anyone who puts a hand to the plow and then looks back is not fit for the Kingdom of God.”  Luke 9:62

I was driving home in the pouring rain the other evening and took my eyes off of the road for only a split second and hit some standing water on the highway that almost caused me to hydroplane.  Luckily, I was able to regain control of my car quickly and the rest of my ride home was a white-knuckle ride to say the very least.

Just like the standing water on the road, distractions can also take our focus off of Jesus.  We might be doing some great things, but if we take our eyes off of our Lord for a moment, we can quickly stumble and fall.  The enemy will stop at nothing to try and distract us.

When our minds are focused on God, we are less likely to be tempted and sin, so the enemy will stop at nothing to make sure our thoughts are not focused on our Loving God.  There are other distractions that can cause us to be distracted as well-busyness, material things, problems, and even things we enjoy, can all cause us to lose our focus on God.

Be aware of these things that distract our minds so that you can minimize them and stay on course with righteousness.

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