Tuesday, February 2, 2016


Through Christ you have come to trust in God.  And you have placed your faith and hope in God because He raised Christ from the dead and gave Him great glory.  1 Peter 1:21

When you think about it, our salvation is much the same as a prisoner on death row who is suddenly pardoned or set free.  We were all one time spiritual prisoners facing eternal death because of our many sins, but God gave us all the ultimate hope by forgiving our sins so that we can spend our eternal lives in heaven with Him. Let me say this here and now-whoever is behind me when I leave this earth and am at the Pearly Gates is going to be waiting a long time as I will be answering for the things I have done in my lifetime... 

When life seems to be impossible, God provides us with eternal hope. Without hope, we would simply give up.  Hope only requires that we trust in the One who is able to give it to us…Jesus Christ!

Praise be to God for His never-ending grace and mercy!

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