Thursday, July 24, 2014

Take It Easy

Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy-laden and overburdened and I will cause you to rest.  I will ease and relieve and refresh your souls. Matthew 11:28

In addition to having snack-time and playground time, I am envious that our children get to enjoy both as well as an afternoon nap at school.  I have always wondered how much more productive adults would be if they were allowed to pull out the red and blue mats and take an hour-long power nap every day…

True rest, physical and mental, is highly underrated.  God actually wants us to stop, rest, and take a mental break for our souls as well.  It’s hard to find true peace when your mind is constantly at work, trying to figure out what you should do about everything in your life.

The next time you are worn out from a tiring and exhausting day, take some time to experience rest and peace by going to Christ and allowing Him to refresh your soul.  We all have this wonderful privilege, so take advantage of resting in Jesus’ loving arms.

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