Wednesday, July 9, 2014

The Beautiful Letdown

What blessings await you when people hate you and exclude you and mock you and curse you as evil because you follow the Son of Man.  Luke 6:22
Children can be hurtful to one another, especially when it comes to excluding someone from a group.  I recall being mean to one of my classmates in 3rd grade on the playground during recess one afternoon, back in 1983.  For some reason, my group of friends wouldn't allow him to join in our game of kickball.  He did have a rather large head and I distinctly remember changing the words of the Madness single "Our House" to poke fun and say, "_____'s head, in the middle of the street..."

Just knowing how bad he must have felt still makes me feel guilty to this very day and I am always reminded of that playground instance when I feel like I am being excluded from a group or being ridiculed for my faith.

Jesus clearly states that it is actually a blessing when you are made to feel like you are an outsider that doesn't belong on this earth.  WHAT?!? It sure doesn't feel like it.

The truth is, as a Christian, we are outsiders and we don't belong on this earth.  We must endure hardships and trials among the many blessings during our lifetimes, but God promises that we will all one day reach the place that we truly belong.

We can all look forward to receiving God's blessing for the ridicule we endure for our faith today.

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