Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Rescue Me

Trust me in your times of trouble, and I will rescue you, and you will give me glory.  Psalm 50:15

It’s been several years since it happened, but I remember my grandfather dying of cancer like it just happened.   L. Foy Fisher, Jr., was a wonderful man, husband, father, and grandfather who lived a life above and beyond reproach.  He was someone I looked up to and during his funeral service, I tried my best to hold back the tears knowing that I had some ‘big’ shoes to fill in order to carry on his legacy.

There were many people at his service that he had worked with over the course of his career as a cotton purchaser for J.P. Stevens, which was one of the largest textile manufacturers in the world at the time.  Knowing that he was a man of faith, I have always wondered just how many people’s lives he impacted.  He certainly has impacted my walk of faith.  I seriously doubt that he and my grandmother missed a single Sunday of worship at St. Matthew’s Methodist Church in all of the years he was living.  It wasn't just attending worship; he frequently shuttled my grandmother to and from the church to serve when and wherever they could.  They would often prepare meals and deliver them to shut-ins, the elderly, and the poor.  Knowing that God places such value on the soul, I would not be surprised to know that my grandfather led many people to know Jesus as their Lord and Savior.

When we face difficult times, trouble, or problems, we must not forget that God will use it for His glory.  Rather than shrug off your problems, open your mind to God’s work.  Our pain, suffering, and heartaches just may have a divine purpose-to glorify God!

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