Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Love Is The Answer

Blessed is every one who fears the Lord, who walks in His ways.  Psalm 128:1

The older I become, the more I realize that there is not one person on this earth that could possibly meet all of my needs in life.  This thinking has certainly changed for me as I have matured in my walk of faith.  Even after meeting her and falling in love with Alicia, my wife of six years, I began to understand that as wonderful as she is, even she cannot take God’s place when it comes to meeting all of my needs.  The same holds true for me as I simply cannot meet all of Alicia’s needs, regardless of how blessed I am to be her husband.

Don’t get me wrong, she certainly loves me and helps me in more ways than I could possibly imagine, and we can do the same for other family members and friends, but no one person can completely resolve all of the needs in another person’s life.

If you are looking to other people to meet all of your needs or trying to meet someone else’s needs, you will be sorely disappointed by looking to anyone other than God.  God is love, and only He can truly meet our every need!

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