Tuesday, September 20, 2011


He lifted me out of the pit of despair, out of the mud and the mire.  He set my feet on solid ground and steadied me as I walked along.  Psalm 40:2

In times of crisis, God is always with each of us.  After hearing some about some devastating and tragic events that took place back home, it's sometimes hard to believe God is with us in midst of all of the chaos that surrounds us.  

Two young men from my home town, friends, brothers, sons, classmates; lost their lives in separate fatal vehicular accidents over the weekend.  I am at a loss for words and prayers are about the only bit of comfort I can offer, but last night as both of my sons played together in the tub during bath time, I was overcome with sadness and grief for what both sets of families are experiencing during this time of loss.  

God promises to carry us through whatever crisis we face and He will always give us firm footing on the other side.  God never leaves our side and He will continue to walk with us as we wade through the aftermath-no matter what we are facing.

When faced with a crisis, is God the first one you look to for help? 

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