Monday, August 29, 2022

Enjoy The Silence


Rejoice in hope, endure in suffering, persist in prayer.  Romans 12: 12

Being a bit active and at times, quite talkative, I always struggle when I receive little or no interaction from my 'captive' audience, while making a presentation for work.  The same holds true in my prayer life, especially when I am praying with passion and feel that God is not answering me or seems to be a million miles away.   I don’t believe that I am alone in the way that I feel, as many other Christians probably lack some anticipation of having their prayers answered.

Our society doesn't help us with being patient in our prayer life as we wait for God to answer us in His perfect timing, either.  We live in a society that due to modern technology expects instant results. 

We are to remain vibrant and faithful in our prayer life.  It is too easy to become discouraged and feel as though God is not listening when all we perceive is silence.  I am thankful for many unanswered prayers that I have petitioned God with and it has certainly helped to mature my faith by leaps and bounds.  We must come to a place of understanding His presence is always with us if we are grow our relationship with Him; in doing so, we will have a deeper relationship with God, despite our prayers not being answered.

Continue to pray and be hopeful even if you are suffering; God is always with you!!

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