Wednesday, August 24, 2022



God blesses those who are poor and realize their need for Him, for the Kingdom of Heaven is theirs.  Matthew 5:3

We all have basic needs that need to be met in order to survive: food, water, shelter, and love.  When our needs are met, you are content and satisfied, but when your wants are unmet, we are left discontent and wanting more.

Don't get me wrong, our wants are not always negative, but sometimes they can lead us astray from what God desires for our lives.  Wants can also lead us to ruin if we become obsessed with pursuing them.

Having our needs met by God shows us His almighty power and provision that teaches us that He is indeed good and trustworthy.  We must learn to trust God and not money and learn to distinguish between our needs and our wants.

Christian author, Max Lucado, said it best: 

"Those who trust money are foolish.  They are setting themselves up to be duped and dumped into a dystopia of unhappiness.  Have you ever noticed that the word miser is just one letter short of the word misery?"

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