Thursday, December 28, 2017

Slow Down

"I am the vine; you are the branches. The one who remains in me-and I in him-bears much fruit, because apart from me you can accomplish nothing."  -Jesus, John 15:5

Having some time off from work and away from the usual hustle and bustle of my normal routine has been wonderful and relaxing. It has also made me realize that no matter how busy I have been over the past year, I am still standing despite suffering the loss of my mom three years ago.  The past twelve months were still very difficult, but my work became a distraction of sorts to the pain I was feeling inside.  I tried to stay busy to keep my mind off of things and unfortunately, my Spiritual life suffered a little because of it... 

God wants each of us to take the time to be still in his Presence so that he can strengthen us. Not just at Christmas time or during a vacation, but every single day.  When we allow God to enter our lives in such a profound way, we will actually do less but accomplish more.

As we prepare for the new year, let's plan to walk closer with God, depending on his strength and trusting him in every situation, every single day.

We can live in peace by walking in the light of his Presence!

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