Saturday, December 30, 2017


Teach me your ways, O Lord, that I may live according to your truth!  Grant me purity of heart, so that I may honor you.  Psalm 86:11

We received quite a bit of citrus fruit for Christmas and in my humbled opinion, there is no better way to start the morning than with a fresh grapefruit or a seedless orange for breakfast.  We left an over-ripened banana on the counter near some of the oranges and grapefruit, and a few days later, some of the fruit had spoiled when we came back from all of our holiday travels.

Sin works in our lives much the same and just like bad fruit, it doesn't take much to spoil the whole bunch.  The good news is that Jesus’ death on the cross served as an atonement for our sins-past, present, and future.  When we accept His love offering, we are made clean and pure again in God’s eyes.  Keep in mind, that this is something we simply couldn't accomplish on our own.

When you humbly ask God to forgive you, he removes the contamination of your sin and purifies you once again!

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