Wednesday, December 6, 2017

I Still Believe (The Great Design)

"I do believe, help me overcome my unbelief!"  Mark 9:24

The above proclamation of the demon-possessed boy from the Gospel of Mark is something I have incorporated into my prayers quite often.

The attitude of trust and complete confidence that the Bible calls belief or trust is not something that we can obtain without help.  Faith is a gift given to us from God.  No matter how much faith we have, we can never reach a point of self-dependence apart from God-even when things seem to be going our way.

Faith is not something that we can hoard and store away like money in a bank, either.  The process of going our faith is a constant process, one that needs to be renewed daily by renewing our trust in Jesus.

We must stay on our knees, in prayer with God each and every day, during both good times and bad ones.  Not only will we have stronger spiritual lives, but we can do great things in the name of our loving Father!

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