Sunday, April 7, 2013

New Attitude

You should have the same attitude toward one another that Christ Jesus had, who though He existed in the form of God did not regard equality with God as something to be grasped, but emptied Himself by taking on the form of a slave, by looking like other men, and by sharing in human nature.  He humbled Himself, by becoming obedient to the point of death-even death on a cross!  Philippians 2:5-8

I was driving back to Knoxville after a meeting in Maryville recently when a fairly large tow truck pulled out onto Alcoa Highway in front of me nearly causing a collision.  Luckily, I remembered that my car had a Cokesbury Church magnet on my back bumper or I would have probably reacted a bit more harshly.  There was a steady stream of traffic yesterday and I am sure the driver of the tow truck had grown impatient in waiting, but to risk a major accident is just uncalled for.  It's no wonder the number of "Road Rage" cases in the United States keeps growing larger and larger each and every year.

Twenty years ago, "Road Rage" wasn't even a commonly known phrase.  So what's happened?  Are we so used to having things instantly that we have forgotten what it is like to be patient and actually have to wait for something?  Coming from the horrid driving conditions I became accustomed to when we lived in Atlanta, the driving conditions in Knoxville aren’t really that bad.  Unfortunately, far too many people have no consideration for other people on the road nowadays.  Mix that together with advances in modern technology and we as a society don't understand the meaning of steadfastness or patience.  I believe that some of us even have a God-complex of our own. "My schedule is the only one that matters."  "I must get to where I am going, who cares about the person I just cut off on the exit ramp."  Sound familiar?

Take Paul's words about Jesus' attitude to is the Son of God, the One who can summon all the angels in heaven at any given moment, walking among us on this earth, going through the same struggles and trials that we all deal with to this very day.

Jesus did not regard equality with God as something to be grasped.  Even more amazing, He humbled Himself by becoming obedient to the point of death on the cross! You can't make this stuff up...He was, is, and will always be the genuine article.  His attitude is the one we should all try and replicate in our own lives.  I need to remember this the next time I sit behind the wheel of my car to drive, or when my wife calls me to see how my day is going, or when things are not going the way I'd like them to at the office, and so on and so on....imagine how different things would be if we had Jesus' attitude!

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