"I am the vine;
you are the branches. The one who remains in me - and I in him - bears much
fruit, because apart from me you can accomplish nothing." John 15:5
Being somewhat knowledgeable about the process of how to
make wine, I was always amazed at how rapidly the grape vines grow and blossom
each spring to produce a fresh harvest. In one of Jesus' most commonly known
parables, He taught His disciples that He is the True Vine.
The disciples were made aware of Jesus' departure, so He
wanted to instill in His followers that there was much work to do after His
going away. If they were to carry on the work of the Lord, they needed to know
how to produce that kind of fruit in their lives. The same holds true for each
of us today.
We are well over 2000 years removed from the night Jesus
taught the parable of the vine, but yet the Lord's work continues on. You see,
we must learn that Jesus is the vine, meaning we must submit and abide to His
will. Being separated from Him is like telling Him, " Thanks, but NO
thanks. I can do this on my own." Try removing a branch from a grape vine.
Eventually it will wither and die. Again, the same is true for us.
Jesus desires to live through each of us so that we will
bear fruit unto the Heavenly Father...