Thursday, June 28, 2012

The Walk

Make me know Your ways, O LORD ; Teach me Your paths. Lead me in Your truth and teach me, For You are the God of my salvation; For You I wait all the day.  Psalm 25: 4-5

Waiting on God’s perfect timing is difficult for any believer.  I have certainly had my share of experience in waiting on God and looking back, those times helped me to grow in my faith and dependence on Him.   

We are blessed with some wonderful friends and a couple that is very dear to us knows all about being patient.  You see, our friends have tried every possible means of having children of their own.  It has been a very long, difficult and winding road, but all the while they have displayed some inspirational characteristics that are required for successful waiting.

The one that stands out above all the rest is this couple’s courage.  Courage is often times associated with bravery, but I am referring to our friends’ ability to patiently wait for God’s voice instead of only following the advice of their family, friends, neighbors, and co-workers.  Doing this requires great faith, humility, and patience, all of which are the other characteristics needed for successful waiting. 

I am pleased to write that their most recent steps in the journey to become parents looks very promising and if they continue to patiently surrender to God’s plan for their lives, I just know that He will bless them beyond their wildest dreams!

Thanks be to God for blessing us with such amazing friends!!

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