Sunday, June 24, 2012


Certainly you made my mind and heart; you wove me together in my mother’s womb.  I will give you thanks because your deeds are awesome and amazing.  You knew me thoroughly… Psalms 139:13

Ah, summertime.  It’s great to enjoy the long days and what a better time to work on projects around the home.  Last year, we had a screened in porch built and this summer we are going lay the concrete for a patio which will provide us a place for our grill and some lawn chairs.   Our grill is currently residing in our screened in porch and it has been driving Alicia crazy for quite some time.  Our contractor came over on Thursday and began working.  He knows exactly what materials and tools he will need to complete the project.  I know a lot of folks who are quite handy, but I am certainly not one of them.  I cannot build a Lego set correctly without the instruction manual….oh well!

God is like the ‘master builder’ when it comes to each of our lives.  He knows what work needs to be done and just how He will use His beloved children to finish the job.   You see, each of us are wonderfully and fearfully made to serve as His vessels while we are on this earth.   From before we were born, He has known us and the plans He has in store for us.

Praise His holy name!!!

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