Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Whenever I Call You "Friend"

Hatred stirs up quarrels, but love makes up for all offenses.  Proverbs 10:12

I have been blessed with some incredible friendships over the course of my lifetime and there is certainly no exception now that my family resides in Knoxville, TN.  I have been dealing with a deeply sensitive and personal family matter and my friends have been really been there for me with some wonderful Godly advice, kindness, love, caring, and support. 

Relationships/friendships that are built on the kind of unconditional love that God has for us are typically characterized by undivided devotion, forgiveness, patience, kindness, caring, and support-no matter what.  Love prohibits jealousy, pride, envy, selfishness, rudeness, and holding grudges. 

I understand this more clearly everyday-it doesn’t matter what kind of car I drive, or how much money is in the bank, or the amount of material items I own, my career status, or fame-all that really matters, what is the most important, are the relationships we have while on this earth.

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