Saturday, November 12, 2011


I will be filled with joy because of you.  I will sing praises to your name, O Most High. Psalm 9:2

On my flight back from FL earlier this week, I picked up a copy of the USA Today and every headline I read was either serious or depressing.  It made me think about the aspects of Christian life-there are certain elements we view with appropriate seriousness, but far too often, we overlook the great delights and joy of being followers of Christ.   

Life moves at such a fast pace these days, we easily forget some of the simple things such as: the God of all of the universe loves us, has a plan for each of us, and created this wonderful world for you and I to live in.  God wants us to have a relationship with him and wants us to serve him enthusiastically and joyfully. 

God promises to fill us with the joy he delights to see in each one of his followers.  Praise be to God!

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