Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Soul Kitchen

Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy-laden and overburdened, and I will cause you to rest. (I will ease and relieve and refresh your souls.) Matthew 11:28

Every year for as long as I can remember, the weeks leading up to Christmas are crazy busy at work, not to mention trying to squeeze some personal time in to shop for gifts/ presents and attend various Christmas parties/functions.  Jesus gave us all such a wonderful model of what it is like to truly “rest.”  If you read the New Testament, Jesus typically went to spend time in solitude with the Lord after preaching, teaching, or performing miracles…

You see, we can be involved in inward activity as much as we are involved in outward activities.  God wants us to not only enter into His rest for our bodies, but our souls as well.  I am a believer that finding rest for my soul means “unplugging” and finding freedom from mental activities too.  Furthermore, it means submitting to God and not trying to figure out what I should do about every aspect of my life as I simply can’t keep trying to come up with answers I just don’t have.

At the end of each day, experience rest and peace for your soul by going to Christ and allowing Him to relive and refresh you from the inside out!  What an awesome privilege we have!!   

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

The Real Me

I have taught you in the way of wisdom; I have led you in the right path.  Proverbs 4:11

I have been pondering something that Pastor Mark Beebe preached during his sermon at Cokesbury’s West Campus this past Sunday.  To paraphrase, Pastor Beebe asked the congregation if our view of God is shaped by our circumstances.  If they are going well, do we have a positive outlook as it pertains to God or if things are going badly, do we think negatively about God?

God sees the totality of our lives.  He knows us better than anyone-inside and out.  He knows our thoughts, feelings, our past, present and futures.  God sees the whole of who we are, what we are called to do and what circumstances we are facing at this very moment.

The more we see our lives from God’s perspective and not our limited understanding, the stronger our ability to discern the right way to go.  There is no one better qualified than God to guide our lives and lead us down the right paths.

Monday, November 28, 2011

No Compassion

Feed the hungry, and help those in trouble.  Then your light will shine out from the darkness, and the darkness around you will be as bright as the noon.  Isaiah 58:10

The Christmas season, in particular, presents many opportunities to help out those who are less fortunate or in need.  I am at a point in my life where I honestly have everything that I could possibly want or need and feel compassion for those who are really hurting or in need.

God promises that those who help the poor will be rewarded, both in this life and the next. God has compassion for the poor and the needy, so as followers of God, we too must also be compassionate for them.

Compassion means more than just giving some money and hoping that people are taken care of.  I honestly believe it means giving more of yourself-volunteering and taking the time to take care of people who are in need; our brothers and sisters.  

Helping those less fortunate is not an obligation, but a great joy!!

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Watcher Of The Skies

We have a priceless inheritance-an inheritance that is kept in heaven for you, pure and undefiled, beyond the reach of change and decay.  1 Peter 1:4

As we decorate our home for Christmas, there are some traditions that we like to keep in the Fisher household.  Alicia and I both have always purchased a fresh Christmas tree.  We both enjoy the smell of fresh Fraser Fir that fills our home with it's sweet aroma.  For a few weeks, we batted around the idea of purchasing a pre-lit tree and finally broke down and went with a plastic tree.  This change was very difficult for me as this is the first time in my lifetime that I don't have fresh tree in my home.

One thing that is certain is that things do inevitably change.  Some are for the better and some for the worse.  You can rest assured knowing that God and His Word NEVER change.

This gives us the assurance that every one of his promises will come true, including eternal life with Him in heaven.  There nothing will ever change for the worse.  Trust God's Word today and live with confidence to face today!

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Seven Nation Army

In your strength I can crush an army; with my God I can scale any wall.  2 Samuel 22:30

We have all found ourselves there before...the 22 point underdog, the unqualified, not good enough, etc...every day brings a new challenge. While we may not be leading a nation or running a large corporation, we can still face difficult situations, difficult people, and temptations.

I have stated this before and still believe that challenges prevent me from becoming too comfortable in my faith.  In fact, I see challenges as opportunities to move into uncharted waters.

Without God's lead, challenges would be frightening, but with God it is always a great adventure.  No matter what difficulties you are facing, be sure to do it with God by your side!

Friday, November 25, 2011

Show Don't Tell

Let us stop passing judgement on one another.  Romans 14:13

The day after Thanksgiving, "Black Friday", as it's commonly known in America, is a day that retailers open the doors to their stores ultra early and offer sales and special deals to kick off the Christmas sales season.  This year, most retailers already opened at 12:01 AM, and throngs of people have flocked to be the first in line to find great deals on generic Blu-Ray players and knock-off brand name HDTVs.  

I made the mistake of wandering into a big name retailer early one morning a few years ago on Black Friday and it was  like running with the bulls in Spain.  People were lined up in every aisle of the store and when the sales associates let everyone run wild, it was nothing short of mass chaos.  People were fighting each other for DVD player and hand held video game consoles and, quite honestly, I have never seen such rude behavior while shopping in all of my lifetime.

I chose the above passage for today with the hopes that if you happen to find yourself doing some Christmas shopping today you will consider focusing on the gifts and graces of other people rather than finding their faults.  Sure, you may get cut off by someone in the parking lot or someone just may snatch an item you have waited up all night for, but as believers, we are called to extend the same grace and mercy we have been given by our loving Father.

It's a difficult task, but it can actually be fun.  Try spending Black Friday thinking nothing but good thoughts about other people.  Where you normally feel offended, bless them.  If they curse you, bless them.  Where you normally feel offend, determine to be free of any hostility whatsoever. 

Your blindness to others faults will make the world seem a little brighter today!

Thursday, November 24, 2011


Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus.  1 Thessalonians 5:18

Your loving spouse works hard each and every day, at work or at home.  Do you ever think to say “thank you?”  What about all of the things big and small that other people do for you  on a daily basis?  Do you remember to thank them as well?

Now think about all that God has done for you and how much He helps you in your daily life.  When we pause for a moment and actually think about it, we begin to see that God is continuously blessing us, providing for us, and protecting us, all of the time.

Giving thanks is away to celebrate both the giver and the gift.  Remember to give thanks today to God for everything!!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011


Weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning.  Psalm 30:5

I have done some soul searching lately and have pondered whether my happiness depends on everything in my life being just right.  Based on my present circumstances, and the reality of everything not going my way, I’d say that my happiness sometimes does depend on everything being just right.  If everything went my way, the children would always do what I asked on the first time, my wife and I would no longer have disagreements,  I would close every sale that I pursued at work, my Auburn Tigers would be National Champions every season and Carl Edwards would have edged out Tony Stewart to win the NASCAR Sprint Cup a few days ago.

We all experience times in our lives that we feel down, but we cannot let our circumstances control our emotions.  The enemy is a discourager and will stop at nothing to fill our minds with negative thoughts and emotions, but Jesus is our encourager and is always there to lift us up.  He came to give us all love, peace, righteousness, and joy-all the things that help lift our spirits up!

We all feel sad or down at times, but those feelings are only temporary because joy comes from above and makes everything better!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011


Bless affectionately, gratefully praise the Lord, O my soul, and forget not one of all His benefits.  Psalm 10:3:2

I stopped by a large retailer the first week in November (only days after Halloween) and to my surprise, the Christmas music was already playing in regular rotation over the loudspeakers.  The past few weeks, my inbox has been bombed with various Black Friday sales specials and some of my neighbors already have all of their Christmas decorations out.  Look, I enjoy Christmas and celebrating the birth of my Savior, but what about Thanksgiving?  As a child, it was easy to discount Thanksgiving as a day to eat Turkey and think about the pilgrims who bravely sailed across the globe to America, but as an adult, Thanksgiving has taken a whole new meaning...

In addition to eating Turkey and of course, the Iron Bowl, Thanksgiving is a time to celebrate and give thanks to God for all of His many blessings.  I have been reflecting on this for several days now and when I begin to think about all that God has blessed me with, it’s hard to keep track of it all.   

It’s easy to get swept up into all of the traditions on Thanksgiving Day, but we cannot allow the activities crowd out the real purpose of the day.  Make a list of all that you are thankful for and express your special thanks to God for all He has blessed you with!     

Monday, November 21, 2011


So we don't look at the troubles we can see now; rather we fix our gaze on things that cannot be seen.  For things we see now will soon be gone, but the things we cannot see will last forever.  2 Corinthians 4:18

It's hard to not be troubled by all that's going on in the world today.  There is a mess at Penn State, the economy is in dire straits, the number of foreclosures continue to grow every day, and our country's political system is full of corruption.  

Regardless, God promises us that the troubles looming in front of us will not last forever.  Our goal should be to shift our focus away from the trouble we now see and look instead to the things that will last forever-God's love, his gift of salvation, his care for us, and eternity in heaven with him.

When we live with a heavenly perspective, it puts the hurt and troubles we experience in this world in their proper place-temporary and we know they won't last.

We can live with confidence despite our struggles today knowing that God promises each of us a world where there is no more hurt or pain.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

All You Need Is Love

Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God.  1John 4:7

The Beatles were onto something with "All You Need Is Love."  After all, Jesus identified the two greatest commandments as loving God and loving other people.  Even John made the radical statement that "those who lack love don't know God."  

What surprises me about Christianity in modern times is that many people understand the need to go to church,to serve and volunteer when it's convenient, and people will support the occasional mission trip or ministry effort, but when it comes to love, the modern Christian church is lacking.

It's sad, because it's not that we don't have love, it's just that individually speaking, we as believers are often times indistinguishable from the culture around us.  

There is an urgency in John's instructions-we have been born of a loving God and what this word needs now more than anything is more love.   

Saturday, November 19, 2011


I will give you a new heart, and I will put a new spirit in you.  I will take out your stony, stubborn heart and give you a tender, responsive heart. Ezekiel 36:26

Having two children has made me inadvertently expect our oldest son to be more mature than he can actually be at his age.  It's really not fair, considering he's only four years old and still considered an older toddler. I also have this tendancy to want to be in control and it's often a power stuggle in our household.

When we give God control of our lives, he gives us a new heart, nature, and desire to please him.  God renews our hearts when we come to him with some humility and we turn away from our old sinful habits.  As we do these things, our love for him will grow.

God has the power to change the coldest and hardest of hearts into loving ones.  Are you willing to let go and let God change you?

Friday, November 18, 2011

Couldn't Get It Right

Without me you can do nothing.  John 15:5

One of my son’s favorite Bible stories is how David defeated Goliath.  If you think about it, there were probably thousands of Israelite soldiers that were better equipped to battle with Goliath rather than David.  Regardless, most any rational soldier's reaction to fighting Goliath was fear, stress, and anxiety.

David didn’t waiver because he realized that it was God’s battle and not his own. 

Apart from the Lord, he didn’t stand a chance.  However, with God’s help and mighty strength, David was confident that everything would turn out just fine-and it did!

Thursday, November 17, 2011


The Lord says, "I will rescue those who love me.  I will protect those who trust in my name.  When they call on me, I will answer; I will be with them in trouble.  I will rescue and honor them.  I will reward them with a long life and give them my salvation." Psalm 91:14-16

It baffles me why I ran away from God's love for so much of my life.  Hindsight now being much clearer, I can't fathom all of the blessings I missed out on for so long.  

The truth of the matter is that we are not some creatures that just randomly evolved; God created each of us in his own image so that we could have a relationship with him.  He loves us because he created us.  

God wants nothing more from us but our love and a relationship with him, so stop running away from him and discover the purpose for which you and I were created!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Little By Little

“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Philippians 4:13

Leaving the gym this morning, I couldn’t help but notice how much time is spent working out and trying to increase our own limited strength rather than relying on God’s never-ending supply of strength, especially when it comes to facing adversity.

In the midst of a problem, it’s easy to focus on the size of our problem and we tend to forget that God is greater than any problem or situation we could ever possibly face.   You see, when we look at a difficult situation in terms of our own strength, we diminish the fact that God’s abilities and love are unlimited.  He will always provide us everything we need.

We must learn to not focus on the obstacles we face as problems, but view them as opportunities for God to demonstrate His awesome power and grow our faith exponentially.

God often doesn’t reveal the whole picture to us, He only shows us His plans little by little, so we must learn to rely on Him daily.  We must follow His lead, guidance, and learn to trust Him with our future.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


So Jesus said to them again, "Truly, truly, I say to you, I am the door of the sheep.  All who came before Me are thieves and robbers, but the sheep did not hear them.  I am the door ; if anyone enters through Me, he will be saved, and will go in and out and find pasture.  The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy ; I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly.” John 10:7-10

Last work week was undoubtedly one of the busiest and most stressful weeks I have had all year.  By Friday afternoon, my mind had just checked out as I was exhausted and worn out from multiple meetings and the stress of traveling.   Being honest, I really struggled to find inspiration to even write this Daily DEVO.  The weekend was a great time to catch my breath and the sermon yesterday was timely.  I was reminded of how Jesus resisted the Enemy during His 40 days in the wilderness.  He submitted to God’s lead and never took His eyes off of His father.

Jesus’ example is one that we too should emulate in our daily lives.  It’s easy to be so pre-occupied with our day-to-day lives that we adapt a worldly mindset.  When our thoughts turn away from God, we become dangerously self-dependent and let our guards down.  When we do, the Enemy always seems to strike. 

We know that God will win the ultimate victory, but Satan will stop at nothing to lead us astray with his many lies and deception.  Don’t let the world fool you into trying to manage your life on your own.  Keep your eyes on Christ, stay alert and keep connected to His truth!

Monday, November 14, 2011

Shake Your Foundations

"Everyone who hears these words of mine and does them is like a wise man who built his house on rock. The rain fell, the flood came, and the winds beat against that house, but it did not collapse because it had been founded on rock." -Jesus  Matthew 7:24-25

In the age of information, there are many different opinions and viewpoints expressed over the Internet, radio, and television. It's hard to discern the truth at times and distinguish between what is fact from fiction. During a recent discussion over lunch, a client I work with shared that her teenage son feared that the end times are coming because of all of the bad news he continuously sees on the news.

Regardless of the endless resources of information available to us, God's Word remains the one source of truth. We can easily grow weary, fearful, or discouraged by listening to public opinion rather than staying grounded in God's promises and truths.

If you have enough time each day to watch television or surf the net, try to save a few moments to read your Bible as well. It doesn't have to be an entire passage or book, just start out slowly and read a verse or two each day.

The news is daunting enough for a believer that understands that we live in a fallen world, but I cannot imagine how terrifying it must be for someone who doesn't know that this world is not our final destination. God promises all who believe in him something truly greater than we can possibly comprehend, eternal life in heaven. Build your house on a solid rock!

Sunday, November 13, 2011


As he thinks in his heart, so is he.  Proverbs 23:7

Whether we realize it or not, what we think makes a huge difference in what we say or do.  Our thoughts control our actions-what activities and interests we pursue.  Our thoughts control our feelings-how we react or respond to situations.  And finally, the way we think about other people becomes the way we treat other people. 

Simply stated, we must choose what we focus our minds on.  There is a saying, ‘garbage in, garbage out.’  When we fix our mind on things that are good and righteous,  good things will come as a result.  When our mind is set upon the wrong things, it changes the way we treat others and navigates our actions in a negative way.

Fix your heart and mind on Jesus and allow Him to guide your thoughts, actions and pursuits!

Saturday, November 12, 2011


I will be filled with joy because of you.  I will sing praises to your name, O Most High. Psalm 9:2

On my flight back from FL earlier this week, I picked up a copy of the USA Today and every headline I read was either serious or depressing.  It made me think about the aspects of Christian life-there are certain elements we view with appropriate seriousness, but far too often, we overlook the great delights and joy of being followers of Christ.   

Life moves at such a fast pace these days, we easily forget some of the simple things such as: the God of all of the universe loves us, has a plan for each of us, and created this wonderful world for you and I to live in.  God wants us to have a relationship with him and wants us to serve him enthusiastically and joyfully. 

God promises to fill us with the joy he delights to see in each one of his followers.  Praise be to God!

Friday, November 11, 2011


God is working in you, giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases him.  Philippians 2:13

For any parent, surely there are some behaviors in your children you would change if you could.  For instance, our oldest son still whines when he asks for something and he doesn’t get it immediately.  I am sure that he will outgrow this, after all, he is only four years old, but it would be nice to have a morning of peace while getting the kids ready for school.  If I could change it, I would, but quite honestly, I can’t. 

Just like a parent, God will not force change on us, either.  When we invite him into our lives, we give him the permission to use his almighty power to change us.  If we try to change on our own, we are likely to fail because of our limited strength and power.  Instead, we must move aside and let God himself begin the work of transformation in us that will last a lifetime.

Let God do his work in you and see the dramatic and healing power of the Holy Spirit!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

What Does It Take To Win Your Love?

Long ago the Lord said, “I have loved you, my people, with an everlasting love.  With unfailing love I have drawn you to myself.” Jeremiah 31:3

It baffles me why I resisted turning my life over to God for so long.  Forget all of the standard “church talk” and some of the people who may have damaged or changed your opinion of God.  To put it in the most simplest of terms-God created us, God loves us, and God longs to have a relationship with each of us.  He pursues us with persistence and an unfailing, never-ending, love. 

Has he caught your attention yet?  How does it make you feel to know that God, the creator of all of the universe, is pursuing you with his love?  Thanks be to God!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Anything Is Possible

He (Jesus) replied, "Because you have so little faith. I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you."  Matthew 17:20

I was looking at the vastness of the starry sky this morning while jogging and couldn’t help but feel pretty small in all of God’s wonderful creation.  Quite honestly, after a series of recent events, my faith seems a little smaller, but I know it’s still there.  Small mindedness is not such a bad thing, but being small minded in faith is bad because it prevents us from seeing the grandeur and expanse of God’s plan.

Most people are familiar with Jesus’ words from Matthew.  He was explaining to His disciples the reasons why they too could not cast out demons and cure diseases; it was because they had very little or were simply small-minded in their faith.   The disciples had lost their faith that Jesus would do what He said He would do.  When we doubt Jesus, we fail to see the big picture and only focus on our very limited capabilities.

Just like the disciples, so many of us as believers have also lost our faith.  Jesus reminds us that it doesn’t take a lot, just a small amount of faith, the size of a mustard seed, for us to accomplish great and mighty things. 

Father, help grow our faith stronger and bolder.  I believe in you, God, but help me to believe even more!  I will seek to serve and trust in your never-ending supply of strength and power.  I ask these things in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Whenever I Call You "Friend"

Hatred stirs up quarrels, but love makes up for all offenses.  Proverbs 10:12

I have been blessed with some incredible friendships over the course of my lifetime and there is certainly no exception now that my family resides in Knoxville, TN.  I have been dealing with a deeply sensitive and personal family matter and my friends have been really been there for me with some wonderful Godly advice, kindness, love, caring, and support. 

Relationships/friendships that are built on the kind of unconditional love that God has for us are typically characterized by undivided devotion, forgiveness, patience, kindness, caring, and support-no matter what.  Love prohibits jealousy, pride, envy, selfishness, rudeness, and holding grudges. 

I understand this more clearly everyday-it doesn’t matter what kind of car I drive, or how much money is in the bank, or the amount of material items I own, my career status, or fame-all that really matters, what is the most important, are the relationships we have while on this earth.

Monday, November 7, 2011

The Way

For I know the thoughts and plans I have for you, says the Lord, thoughts and plans for welfare and peace and not for evil, to give you hope in your final outcome.  Jeremiah 29:11

It's hard to believe this at times, but God has a plan for you and me, and his Word reassures us that it is a good plan, indeed.  Of course, the enemy will stop at nothing to destroy God's good plan for our lives as he arranges all sorts of disappointments, discouragements, and painful events to keep us off the right track.

Regardless of how bad we have been hurt, God is greater than any problem or pain we will ever face and he can restore us.  If you were like me and got off to a bad start in your life, rest assured that God is in the repair business and His repairs will make your life better than new.

We must fix our eyes on Jesus and cooperate with God's plan during the restoration process. Reach out and allow Him into your heart and accept His never-ending love, grace, and mercy.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Presence of the Lord

You go before me and follow me.  You place your hand of blessing on my head…I can never escape from your Spirit!  I can never get away from your presence!  Psalm 139:5-7

There is no greater feeling than being greeted by your family when you come home after a long day at work.  They say being away makes the heart grow fonder, but one relationship that this does not apply to is our relationship with God.

You see, when you have a relationship with God, His presence is always with you.  When you truly believe this wonderful promise, you will begin to see the events in your life as evidence of His presence with you. 

Open your heart and allow God to be a part of your life.  He desires to open the flood gate of His blessings and express His love for you, every minute of every day.  You are never alone!

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Running On Empty

All the while, you will grow as you learn to know God better and better.  We also pray that you will be strengthened with all His glorious power so you will have all the endurance and patience you need.  Colossians 1:10-11

I am lucky that I haven’t run completely out of gas in my effort find the cheapest prices at the gas pump.  My car displays a “Low Fuel” notice when I have 50 miles left in the tank.  The other morning, I was preoccupied with work and got caught in some traffic on the way to take the kids to school, but thankfully made it to a gas station just before my car ran completely out of fuel.

Just like our automobiles, we require fuel to help us persevere through life-the power of God working in us.  As we become more obedient and more in tune with the Holy Spirit, God’s power will strengthen us and ignite our abilities to persevere.

Let us not just endure, but persevere with peace and joy!

Friday, November 4, 2011


You will show me the way of life, granting me the joy of your presence and the pleasures of living with you forever.  Psalm 16:11

There have been times in my life that I have pondered my existence here on earth.  What’s this life all about?  At age 37 and ten years into my walk of faith, I am just now discovering a little of what God’s plan for my life really is. 

I believe that a primary cause of despair is the feeling that life is ultimately meaningless.  Conversely, the sense that life does have meaning and purpose gives a person energy and resilience to keep going no matter what trial they are facing. 

If you are wondering just why you are here on this earth, pick up your Bible and read some of the reasons God gives for your existence.  God’s Word is full of His promises that reveals the purpose for which we were created.

Thursday, November 3, 2011


Freely you have received, freely give.  Matthew 10:8

We all make mistakes from time to time that hurt people inadvertently.  Sometimes nothing is more painstakingly difficult than extending and seeking forgiveness from a loved one, more specifically, a family member.   Forgiveness is the only way to bring genuine healing to a damaged relationship so that both people can move forward together in the relationship.  No wonder the divorce rate is astounding in our country; it’s almost easier to divorce than it is to work through the healing process of forgiveness. 

It’s human nature to place the blame on someone else and not seek to repair the relationship, but Jesus gave us all the best example of forgiveness.  As He hung from the cross on the day He was crucified, He spoke the words “Father, forgive them for they know not what they do,” to the soldiers who had just beaten and flogged Him and were casting lots to divide His garments.   

Forgiveness is the only way to bring restoration and reconciliation back to a broken relationship and we should all extend and ask for forgiveness regardless of who is at fault. 

Forgiveness has been given freely to us, so we must be quick to offer it freely to others.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Real Good Thing

The Lord is merciful and compassionate, slow to get angry and filled with unfailing love…The Lord is righteous in everything He does; He is filled with kindness. Psalm 145: 8, 17

Growing up, when I made good grades on my report card, my parents often rewarded me with some sort of gift.  At work, I am rewarded with a bonus if my efforts exceed my employers’ expectation.  This mindset is often misunderstood as it pertains to our salvation and the free gift of God’s grace.

First of all, there was only One, Jesus Christ, who never sinned and lived a perfect life.  For the rest of us, at some point, we have all fallen short of God’s glory and have sinned, so thankfully our salvation does not depend on our limited and inadequate self-righteousness. 

Jesus’ death and resurrection broke our bondage and slavery to sin, so there is nothing we can possibly do on our own to reconcile ourselves to God.  Thankfully we don’t get what we deserve and it’s a real good thing!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

My Sweet Lord

By grace you have been saved through faith, not of works, let anyone should boast.  Ephesians 2:8-9

No matter how hard I try, my works do not impress God.  God does, however, respond  to my humility, faith, thanksgiving, and praise. 

God is not concerned with how nice or how big our homes are, the cars we drive, the amount of money we earn, the things we own, fame, fortune, wealth, or beauty.  He is concerned with wanting to have a relationship with us, and in order for that relationship to bloom, we must seek Him in humility and ask for forgiveness. 

God wants us to follow His lead and not the life that we have plotted out for ourselves.  Seek God, ask forgiveness for your sins, and let God lead you.  Your appearance, status, power, and performance mean very little to God, He is more concerned with the state of your heart.