Friday, October 14, 2011

Proving Ground

And as for you, brethren, do not become weary or lose heart in doing right [but continue in well-doing without weakening.]  2 Thessalonians 3:13

As I left the gym yesterday morning, I felt pretty sore after a strenuous workout.  I couldn’t help but recall that it was not less than a decade ago that you wouldn’t have ever seen me in a gym, jogging, working out, or doing anything physical, for that matter.  The physical activity that I consistently do on a daily basis provides a great analogy for our Spiritual lives as well. 

God’s Word teaches us that we must be alert, cautious, and active.  The enemy knows this well and knows that inactivity is the only way to defeat a believer.   Sometimes, the only way to resist the devil is by continuously moving against him.  We can get into some big trouble when we become passive or lazy in our efforts.

Too many believers want the good life, but they are passively sitting around wishing their lives away, hoping that something good will happen to them.   If you truly want the life Christ intended you to have, keep on moving and don’t give up!

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