Saturday, October 8, 2011

Dirty Side Down

Though your sins are like scarlet, I will make them as white as snow.  Though they are red like crimson, I will make them as white as wool.  Isaiah 1:18

There are a couple things that every single human being has in common, regardless of our beliefs, background, nationality, gender, etc...the first being that we are all eventually going to die, and the second is that no one is free from sin.   The only exception being Jesus Christ, who defeated the grave and lived a sonless and blameless life on this earth..

With that said, when you repent and seek God for forgiveness, God looks at you as though you have never sinned.  It means you become blameless before Him, like His beloved Son.  

God does not sweep our sins under the carpet, either. Instead, He washes all of our sins away, making us perfect and pure like Jesus.

Thanks be to God for His mercy and grace!

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