Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Don't Change

God is working in you, giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases Him.  (Philippians 2:13)

I have been pondering another great sermon I heard this past Sunday at Cokesbury West on changing.  One of the many points that stood out to me is how we all must come to a place where we invite Jesus into our lives and we give up our control and submit to Him completely.  Far too often, we wish that someone else would change rather than us looking at what we need to change about ourselves.  

God never will force change on any of us.  When you invite Him into your life, you are also giving Him permission to use His almighty power to change you.  We can try to change all we want, but we will never see real results unless we turn it over to the One who has the power to make things happen.  

If you open your hearts and allow God to make changes in you, you will see a transformation that will last a lifetime.  Your life will see dramatic changes if you allow God to do His work in you!

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