Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Bring You Down

As long as he sought the Lord, God gave him success.  (2 Chronicles 26:5)

Last week, I was having a pretty great week until I received some discouraging news late on Friday afternoon.  This set the tone for a weekend that was still 'good' despite me feeling a bit disheartened.   In the past, this bad news would have sent me into a downward spiral of dispair, but I turned everything over to God before I let it bring me down.  Discouragement will rob us of our contentment, peace, and joy if we allow it to.

It’s easy to feel discouraged when you are facing the impossible, but the good news is that none of us have to sulk in our self-pity.  We have a choice to make and that’s whether or not we choose to seek and believe God, step out in faith, and leave our worries behind us.

Our loving Father enjoys taking what may seem like an impossible situation for us and turning it into the possible-no matter what it is.  Do you sink into the pit of despair when things don’t go as you would like them to or do you live in expectation of what the good Lord will do? 

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