Thursday, June 22, 2023



"Because of God's tender mercy the dawn will break upon is from on high to give light to those who sit in the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the way of peace."  Luke 1:78-79

I am a creature of habit and like to have a schedule of events or at least some sort of plan for each day.  I do occasionally like to change things up a bit, but by no means am I a fan of my daily path taking unexpected twists and turns.  This type of stubbornness can be difficult in a marriage, the employee benefit business and especially with young children at home. 

You see, when we live our lives under the false belief that we are actually in control, we are not allowing God to help us through each day. We must stay alert to His Presence so that when our lives make that occasional detour or we run into 'bumps' in the road, we can lean on our Father to help us overcome the problems we encounter, with strength and peace.

Thank God for each day that doesn't turn out the way you anticipated it to!

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