Thursday, June 15, 2023

Trouble Me


And we know that all things work together for good for those who love God, who are called according to His purpose… Romans 8:28

I read something that struck a chord with me just the other day in the excellent book, Jesus Calling by Sarah Young.  Friday’s devotional was about being thankful and praising God even we are facing difficulties.

When we face turmoil, we begin to realize just how much we need God in our lives.  I firmly believe that God allows difficult circumstances to make us realize our dependence on Him.  You see, when things are going  well, we grow idle in our faith and falsely begin to believe that we are self-sufficient in our own minds. Our Father allows these times to shake our foundations so that we are humbled and reach out to Him in need and in love.

We must turn every aspect of our lives over to God-our children, our relationships, our jobs, finances, health; anything that we try to manage without dependence on Him is prideful and will surely not stand the test of time.

Even if it feels strange and foreign to you, praise God even when you are experiencing trouble…it just may all be part of His perfect plan to bring you into a closer relationship with Him!

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