Thursday, September 8, 2022



Don’t look for shortcuts to God.  The market is flooded with surefire, easygoing formulas for a successful life that can be practiced in your spare time.  Don’t fall for that stuff, even though crowds of people do.  The way to life-to God-is vigorous and requires total attention.  Matthew 7:13-14, The Message

For quite some time now, I have noticed that I have managed to drift through my life by living it in such a routine and mediocre fashion.  I show up to watch worship on Sundays, say the same prayer each and every daily, punch the clock at work, and turn around and repeat the same process the very next week.  It’s easy to slip into this pattern when you lack personal motivation and easy to look for success in things that require minimal effort.  Why do you think that weight loss pills are so popular?  If you could just take a pill and shed the unwanted pounds, why would you bother to exercise and maintain a healthy diet?

Living that kind of lifestyle is a poor substitute for living a life of excellence, which was God’s plan for each one of us from the very beginning.

We must seek God and learn what His good plan is for our lives and then pursue it with all of our might.  When you pursue God with vigor and determination, your life will be filled a sense of purpose and fulfillment with His abundant blessings!

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