Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Always Something There To Remind Me


You go before me and follow me.  You place your hand of blessing on my head…I can never escape from your Spirit!  I can never get away from your presence!  Psalm 139: 5-7 

The deeper my relationship with God grows and the stronger I my faith becomes, I am more aware of His presence around me at all times.  God’s Word promises each of us that when we have a relationship with God, His presence is always with us.

The people that we meet and the events that take place in our lives simply do not happen by chance.  For instance, you could meet someone at a random place, such as the gym or at a restaurant, and being aware that God is always present, you must look beyond the surface to see if God has placed this person in your path for a specific reason.   The same holds true for events.   Seasons of waiting help refine our faith and while God rarely answers our prayers in the ways we want, He never fails to answer them in the ways that we need.

When you believe this promise of His presence, you will experience His love for you and receive His many blessings

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