Friday, March 25, 2022

Too Much Time On My Hands


You were wearied with the length of your way in trying to find rest and satisfaction in alliance apart from the true God, yet you did not say, there is no result or profit.  Isaiah 57:10

We have a close friend who always seems to complain about not having enough time to do all that they want to do.  I am occasionally guilty of feeling that way too, especially when there are deadlines to meet and what often feels like there are not enough hours in a given day.  

It's not that we don't have enough time, it's just that our simple lives have become too complex in doing trivial things that eat away at our schedules.  How or when does life move away from being simple to something so complex?  I believe that it is relative to where we are in our journey....

I remember thinking how stressful my life was during college; having to make an appearance in class in between Widespread Panic and Phish shows, going out four and five nights a week, waiting tables, and working as a disc jockey on a local FM radio station.  (Looking back, I really had it made!)  I didn't have the pressures of performing at work like I do now and I certainly did not have a family to support.  Then again, I wasn't exactly walking the straight and narrow path either, but that's another story for another day.

The above verse from Isaiah states "You are wearied out through the multiplicity of your ways."   It is widely accepted in today's society that more is always better, but at what cost?  Are we truly following God's will for our lives when we are so busy filling our days with our self-centered agendas and schedules?  I believe the answer is a resounding "NO."

Instead of making everything difficult and centered around ourselves, we should simplify and enjoy the peace and satisfaction that comes from following God's plan for our lives.  During this time of social distancing, let us use this time wisely and simplify our complex lives...

"Fear, mismanaged, leads to sin. Sin leads to hiding. Since we've all sinned, we all hide, not in bushes, but in eighty-hour workweeks, temper tantrums, and religious busyness.  We avoid contact with God." -Max Lucado

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