Friday, March 11, 2022

Always Something There To Remind Me


Remember the things I have done in the past.  For I alone am God!  I am God and there is none like me.  Isaiah 46:9

Periodically, and especially during adverse or difficult times, it’s easy to forget about the 'good' things God has done in our lives.  

When I struggle trust in God, it helps me to look back and remember just how He has worked in my life before, which, in turn, makes it easier for me to come to Him first when I need help in the present.

There are several ways, in addition to remembering the work God has done in our past, to help keep our focus on Him today…

When we have a sense of community-such as regularly attending church and Sunday School, or even joining a Life Group, we are more likely to share what God has done and is doing in our lives with others. 

Reading His Word also helps us to gain a perspective of how He has worked throughout history and His plans to share His many blessings with future generations.

When we try a few of these simple steps, we help ourselves acknowledge God’s hand in the past, present, and the future!

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