Thursday, May 14, 2020

I’m Free

He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how shall He not with Him also freely give us all things. Romans 8:32

Before Christ became my personal Lord and Savior, I used to think that becoming a Christian meant living a boring and tedious life filled without laughter, without fun and without pleasure.  I could not have been more fact, I would say that life is much more enjoyable and peaceful as a follower of Christ.  This, of course, does not mean that my life is easy or without any trouble, but when I look at all of the good God has done in my life, it's almost unfathomable.
The same holds true for anyone who is willing to walk in obedience to God.  His desire is the same for all of His children; He wants us to enjoy a life filled with His many blessings, laughter, beauty, peace, joy, creativity, adventure, success, freedom, good health, comfort, friendships and LOVE.

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