Monday, May 11, 2020


So then, my dear friends, just as you have always obeyed...continue working out your salvation with awe and reverence, for the one bringing forth in you both the desire and the effort-for the sake of His good pleasure-is God.  Philippians 2:12-13
Recently, I was able to use a painful experience from my past to help minister to a good friend with a situation that they are going through now.  Without sharing any details, this was a dark period of my life where I was essentially running away from God, but in all of His glory, God took my shameful failure and worked it into good for His kingdom.

God's awesome power is often found in our weakest and darkest moments.  It brings to mind many of the gripping testimonies that I have heard at places such as Celebrate Recovery-people who have lost everything due to a destructive habit, hang-up, or addiction and with God's love were able to completely turn their lives around.  It's hard to wrap our minds around this concept, but God can always produce positive results in all circumstances, even people's pain. 

If you will allow Him to do so, God will use your life-the good and the bad, to impact people with the good news of the gospel.  During difficult times, it's hard to focus upon God's will and the many blessings He has in store, but you must learn to trust that ALL things work for the greater good of His kingdom!

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