Thursday, January 2, 2020

Sowing The Seeds of Love

Create in me a clean heart, O God.  Renew a loyal spirit within me.  Psalm 51:10

Despite not having much of a ‘green thumb,’ I still understand the concept of sowing seeds that will eventually produce plants if nourished properly.  For instance, if you plant sunflower seeds, the seeds will eventually produce sunflowers, and so forth.

We are all familiar with the saying that "we will reap what we sow" and just like seeds, if we have sinful desires and thoughts, it will become evident later that some 'bad seeds' have been planted in our hearts.

We must continually go to the Lord and ask him to give us clean hearts so that our lives will produce clean thoughts, motives, and behaviors.

None of us will be entirely 'clean' or free from sin in this life, but one of the most worthy goals we can pursue in this new year is to glorify God in all that we say or do.

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