Monday, January 27, 2020

Fear Of The Dark

We know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to Hus purpose for them.  Romans 8:28

Our youngest son, like most kids his age, is scared of the dark.  In an effort to convince him to sleep through the night without a lamp on in his room, I attempted to point out some items to give him peace of mind.  For starters, our master bedroom is right down the hall.  No one would be able to sneak past our room without us hearing it.  We also have a security system that is armed at night before bedtime, so it is highly unlikely that someone would be able to enter our home without triggering the alarm.   

All of these things are great, but we are still must leave a light on in the hallway to get Elijah to go to bed at nighttime.  This reminds me of the way many believers sadly live their lives as well; in fear

We have no reason to live in fear once we understand that Jesus died on the cross to spare us from eternal punishment and the free gift of eternal life puts the troubles of this world into perspective.

We can live with peace of mind knowing that our eternal futures are secure.

No matter what happens to us in this lifetime, we can have peace knowing that the trials and troubles we face won’t last forever…

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