Wednesday, August 28, 2019

What Is Life?

You will show me the way of life, granting me the joy of your presence and the pleasures of living with you forever.  Psalm 16:11

Have you ever pondered the reason why you are here on this earth?  It’s easy to do especially if you are unhappy at home or work and feel despair because you believe that life is meaningless.  I have talked to several folks whom sadly feel this way.  Conversely, when you have a purpose, you are able to live life with joy and energy, despite trials and tribulations.

God’s Word reveals our deepest reasons for existence on this earth and the Bible is full of His promises.  There is no way we can possibly persevere and overcome our despair without knowing God’s love.  We are created to be in a relationship with our Father and He promises us that the adversities we face during our time on earth are only temporary.

Read your Bible if you are ever feeling like life has lost its meaning and take God at His word; His promises are eternal!

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