Tuesday, August 6, 2019


The joy of the Lord is your strength!  Nehemiah 8:10
Nine years ago today (man, has it really been that long?), Alicia and I welcomed our second and youngest son, Elijah Foy Fisher, into this world.  He was born without any complications and seemed to be doing just fine.  Of course, he arrived in the middle of the night and after all was said and done, Alicia and I were simply too exhausted to notice anything out of the ordinary.  48 hours later, we found ourselves in the NICU at Children’s Hospital as Elijah was having small contractions that the doctors eventually diagnosed as seizures.  After multiple tests, exams, prayers, and tears, Elijah was discharged from Children’s Hospital three days later and we were never more happy to be in the confines of our own home.

During those days of uncertainty and fear, I was overwhelmed with a sense of peace and joy that couldn't have come from anywhere or anyone else but our loving Father.  You see, joy springs from God’s love, which is not dependent on our circumstances or our performance.

The more we seek Him, the more we find Him.  The more we find Him, the more we know and love Him, and the greater our joy will  be.

We will only find perfect peace and everlasting joy in heaven, but we can experience joy now by walking with God.

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