Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Promises, Promises

God is not a man, so He does not lie.  He is not human, so He does not change His mind.  Has He ever spoke and failed to act?  Has He ever promised and not carried it through?  Numbers 23: 19

I recall making many promises over the course of my lifetime that were never fulfilled.  Some of them, I am thankful never saw the light of day, while others were disappointing because I never saw them through.
As we grow in our faith, it is important to clearly distinguish God’s promises from frail human promises and lies.  If we cannot trust that God’s promises will come to fruition, then we can’t believe His Word.  If we can’t believe His Word, then we shouldn’t believe in Him at all.  If we don’t believe in Him at all we lose all hope and there is nothing to look forward to at the end of our lives.
Being a Christian, we are promised life after death and it will be greater than anything we can wrap our human minds around.  Take comfort in knowing that you can believe God’s promises, His Word and that He loves you.  You can believe because all of His promises will be carried out!

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