Sunday, June 3, 2018

My Soul

God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him. Genesis 1:27

We are all concerned with our image to some extent.  I make it a point to exercise daily by either running, resistance training, rowing, or swimming,  so that I can stay healthy and fit into the occasional spandex super-hero costume.  I am not alone in my quest to look and feel great, in fact, many people spend countless hours every week in the gym or participating in some sort of exercise because they are concerned with their image.

The Bible tells us that we are created in God’s image.  This not only means our outward appearance, but our spiritual and emotional being as well.  When you think about it, we put a lot of emphasis on our physical bodies, these temporary dwellings, that will be transformed when we leave this earth to spend eternity in heaven.  Our spiritual being, or souls, are with us forever and when neglected, we are neglecting the most important part of what God created each of us to be.

Our spiritual well-being is the most vital part of our being; don’t  forget to take care of your soul too!

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