Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Wake Up Dead Man

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! By his great mercy he gave us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead...  

1 Peter 1:3

Many people will at least agree that Jesus actually lived on this earth and died many years ago. The truth that is hard to swallow for some is that not only did He live and die, but He was resurrected and conquered the grave. Believing in His resurrection is paramount to our identity as believers and to who we are in our Christian faith.

Furthermore, Jesus is the Son of God, who died a gruesome death on the cross for our sins and then lived again victorious over death. What do you believe? Does it make you uncomfortable to hear the word resurrection? Do you believe that only our Creator could return Himself to life again?

True hope is found in Jesus' resurrection. Could you imagine the despair His faithful followers felt during the aftermath of His crucifixion? That same despair and hopelessness must be what it's like to not know that our Savior lives.

As a believer, we can face death with no fear, but understanding that the end of our time on this earth is only the beginning chapter in a book that is written in God's love that will never end. The best is yet to come as we too will conquer death with Jesus!

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